4 Dried Fruits You Should be Consuming

4 Dried Fruits You Should be Consuming

4 Dried Fruits You Should be Consuming 


Dry fruits are great sources of protein, minerals, and dietary fiber. They are an ideal replacement for high-calorie snacks, filled with essential minerals and vitamins. Because of all the goodness in the dried fruits, they leave you feeling fuller for longer. This helps combat any sugary cravings. Dried fruits don’t spoil as quickly as fresh fruits, so it makes it easier to store them and take them with you on holidays, hikes, or camping.   
Before we get into 4 dried fruits you should be consuming, let’s talk quickly about what is dried fruits. Dried fruits are fruits that have almost all of their water content removed through various drying processes. The fruit shrinks in size, and during the various processes, the fruit becomes a small, energy-dense dried fruit or snack. Dried fruit can be preserved for much longer than its counterpart, fresh fruit, and can be a handy nutritionally dense snack where refrigeration is not available.   
Common dried fruits are raisins, dates, prunes, sultanas, etc.   
Now that we know what dried fruits are, let’s get into 4 different tasty dried fruits you should start implementing into your diet. All of the below dried fruits are available on our online store www.nuttydelights.ie and in our two Dublin-based stores, where you can find all of our nuts and dried fruits. 
Dates are typically found in sweet dishes, but they can also be eaten on their own. They are brimming with vitamins, proteins, and minerals. A great source of natural sugar and believed to provide relief from constipation and may help with those suffering from anemia. Vitamin E can be found in abundance in dates which can help protect your cells from free radicals.  

Apricots provide a huge dose of vitamin A, nearly 50% of your daily vitamin A intake in a single serving! Apricots besides being a super delicious dried fruit are a good source of potassium, copper, and vitamin E. Like all anti-oxidant vitamins, they work by shielding and protecting your cells from damage. It is particularly important to consume anti-oxidants in the summer when the sun is at its brightest and strongest. The next time you head to the beach, make sure you take a handful of dried apricots with you as they are good for the skin, eyes, and immune system 

Physalis or Golden Berries: 

These dried South American berries are high in vitamin C and fiber. They also help keep our bodies lean and healthy. You will be hooked by their sweet-tart taste that explodes in your mouth after one bite. Vitamin C as we know is a big player in immunity. The nutrient can help us while leaning down, looking younger, and help fight off viruses that may enter the body. What’s more, is these berries are a fantastic source of fiber that helps us feel fuller for linger and foster a healthier gut microbiome. Click here to check out our golden berries. 

Dried Figs:  
These gems hailing from the sunny Mediterranean have a surprising amount of calcium in them making ‘em a great option for bone-benefiting if you don’t consume dairy! A handful of figs can also deliver a huge amount of fiber. Figs are great when added to salads or bread adding texture and depths of flavors.  
Ways to Eat More Dried Fruit:   
There’s the obvious eat a handful of dried fruit a day following a healthy diet or adding them in salads, bread, stews, buns, etc. You can even blend most dried fruit up into a smoothie for that added goodness.   
Baking and cooking more with dried fruit are a sure-fire way of getting in extra nutrients and minerals. Not to mention that they taste beautiful!  
For all your dried fruit, nut, and seed needs, be sure to check out our site, or if you’re in Dublin call in and we can help!